Even in the world of superconductivity, hexagons and circles are not the same! Discovery of “emergent rotational symmetry” breaking (published in Nature Communication)

These findings are published in 11 Apr. 2024 in Nature.
- Nature
“Violation of emergent rotational symmetry in the hexagonal Kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5”
Kazumi Fukushima, Keito Obata, Soichiro Yamane, Yajian Hu, Yongkai Li, Yugui Yao, Zhiwei Wang, Yoshiteru Maeno & Shingo Yonezawa
Nature Communications 15, 2888-1-9 (Apr. 2024).
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-47043-8 - Kyoto University